Our Therapeutic Approach

A co-ordinated and consistent therapeutic approach informs all aspects of Hopespring’s practice. Our priority is to give the best possible care to every parent and child within our family centre.

Our therapeutic approach draws on the ‘limited reparenting’ approach within Schema Therapy, allowing parents to form trusting, collaborative relationships with staff whilst overcoming self-limiting patterns of thinking, feeling and relating to others.

A ‘holding environment’ is sustained through the display of unconditional positive regard and use of active listening skills by staff in everyday contexts. It is vital to us that each parent recognises that they are valued and worthy of acceptance, and that their felt experience is listened to with genuineness and warmth.

Regular self-reflective team debriefings play a vital role in the team’s ability to provide consistent and quality support to families, as well as the upskilling of staff in our therapeutic approaches. Such equipping of staff ensures that the safety of each resident is prioritised, their emotional wellbeing is promoted, and their own voice is placed at the centre of care.

The staff at Rachel House are supported by therapists within Hopespring including an Art Therapist and a Speech and Language Therapist. Family Support Plans receive input from a consultant Chartered Health Psychologist and consultative Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist when required.