
At Rachel House we use ParentAssess as the main model for assessments. PAMS can be provided at the request from the Local Authority.

ParentAssess is a framework developed in 2016 for assessing parents who have learning disabilities and other additional needs within childcare proceedings. The framework is based on the well established DOH Assessment of Children in Need and their Families (2000) , but uses a range of tools and tables to help parents engage and understand the process. A separate Abridged Parent Report is provided which explains the outcome in a way the parent can understand. 

ParentAssess is a strengths-based framework. Staff are trained to carefully identify the parent's specific needs and to understand what might help the parent. It also covers all the issues of potential risk - with the focus being on the child's experience. To support this, ParentAssess uses a range of visual tools. We do not use drawings or cartoons which parents can find patronising and hard to assimilate to their own life. Instead we use photos of situations and things the parent is likely to see in everyday life. Staff are encouraged to consider the parent's needs and use the tools accordingly.

Throughout the assessment the parent and the assessor use a traffic light system. This helps the parent express their views and also helps the assessor show the parent how they are doing. The aim from the outset is that the parent understands what they need to focus on. The outcome is also explained using red, amber green. This simplistic approach means the assessment outcomes are measurable and easy to read.

The assessment covers five main areas

The child's experience of being parented

How the parent meets the physical and emotional needs of the child. This includes the parent's ability to be attuned to their child

Specific issues

Considers additional issues such as domestic abuse, alcohol, drug use, offending and gambling. The assessment also considers risks factors which may have a cultural context. 

Parental Functioning

Explores the parent's history and considers how it impacts on parenting. Looks at issues such as the parent's ability to change, decision making, multi-tasking and how they manage risk and social media. 

The parent's daily living skills

How the parent can organise and manage daily life. Considers the parent's ability to cook, provide a clean safe home and manage money.


If any gaps are identified in the areas above, then the parent's support network and their ability to access support is considered.